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215 W Nine Mile Rd, Ferndale, MI 48220

Telephone number:

(248) 206-7510


GreenSpace Cafe

from website: Ded­i­cat­ed to trans­form­ing fresh, nutri­tious ingre­di­ents into delec­table plant-based dish­es, Green­Space Café cel­e­brates the joy of beau­ti­ful, healthy food. Using most­ly organ­ic ingre­di­ents, we hand craft all dish­es, dress­ings and sauces and offer aller­gy-friend­ly gluten-, soy-, nut- and oil-free options. We use no GMOs, no preser­v­a­tives, no processed foods, no microwaves or fry­ers, and no ani­mal prod­ucts. Even all alco­hol is researched to assure no dyes, no added sul­fites, and no ani­mal prod­ucts are used in the fin­ing process. From greens and grains to cashew cheeses and cock­tails, every care­ful­ly cho­sen ingre­di­ent comes from the earth and is sourced as sus­tain­ably and local­ly as pos­si­ble.

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