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More Sustainable & Just Systems

Collective Action Resource

How to Start a Food Rescue Initiative Guide

The Food Rescue Hero technology platform enables a scalable impact on food waste, food insecurity, and climate change. Food Rescue Hero is working together with food rescue initiatives across the nation in over 25 cities. Check out their guide to learn more.

Clean and Abundant Water Solutions

Collective Action Resource

GoGreenLocally Waterway and Beach Cleanup Action Pkg.

GoGreenLocally collection of helpful guides, checklists, templates, and customizable clipart.

Sustainable Gardening and Farming

Collective Action Resource

GoGreenLocally Community Gardening Activity Guide

GoGreenLocally free ebook for community gardening activities for fun and sharing resources.

Solutions for Climate Change

Individual Action Resource

Psychology of Climate Change: Guide for Scientists, Journal...

“The ultimate solutions to climate change are workable, cost-effective technologies which permit society to improve living standards while limiting and adapting to changes in the climate. Yet scientific, engineering, and organizational solutions are not enough. Societies must be motivated and empowered to adopt the needed changes."

Landscape & Nature Regeneration

Green Enterprise Resource

Edible Landscaping - Foodscaper Starter Pack

This one is not free, but helps you start a business where the emails, contracts, intake forms, bidding... are provided. This organization has lots of support for your new enterprise such as podcasts, conferences, and more!

Reduce Waste of Resources

Collective Action Resource

How to Set Up and Run a Toy Library

"Welcome to the Roma Education Fund’s Guidelines for Toy Libraries. These provide practical information about setting up and running a toy library. Since 2010 the Roma Education Fund (REF) has supported the establishment and operation of several ToyLibraries across Central and Eastern Europe. During these years REF has gathered experiences and knowledge about the operation of Toy Libraries which are now shared in these guidelines." What a wonderful initiative that can save waste and help young people have access to interesting and educational toys as they are growing up.

Landscape & Nature Regeneration

Collective Action Resource

RE:Wild Your Campus Without Synthetic Pesticides

"Re:wild Your Campus is leading a nationwide movement to transform campuses into vibrant, sustainable, and safe environments. Starting with these places of living and learning, we are creating a new way of living in sync with nature. We are on a mission to eliminate synthetic pesticides from all college campuses in the U.S. by 2030." Checkout their resource page and get involved by taking on a Green Grounds Certification with fellow students at your college or university. Resources: Certification:

More Sustainable & Just Systems

Collective Action Resource

GoGreenLocally Local Food Justice New Group Pkg.

GoGreenLocally collection of helpful information, guides, checklists, templates, and customizable clipart.

Sustainable Fashion & Decor Solutions

Collective Action Resource

GoGreenLocally Clothing Swap Activity Pkg.

GoGreenLocally collection of helpful guides, checklists, templates, and customizable clipart.

Solutions for Climate Change

Collective Action Resource

Green Actioneers Family Action Guide

Help local families go green! Get your school, scout troop, 4-H Club or other organization involved! FREE 266 page e-book 100+ "Green Actions" with links to providers Coloring book pages, word and math puzzles, inspirational quotations In English and Spanish An indigenous perspective on Earth friendly living

More Sustainable & Just Systems

Collective Action Resource

The Climate Initiative Educator Resource

TCI provides young climate champions education and engagement tools to steward our planet and catalyze the transition to climate-resilient communities. Through community-based education and empowerment initiatives, youth learn about local climate problems and possible solutions, giving them hope and the inspiration to become change agents in their communities and beyond. This resource provides programs and toolkits.

Reduce Waste of Resources

Green Enterprise Resource

How to Create and Run a Community Compost Site

Check out Robin Greenfield's site and resources from "Institute for Local Self-Reliance for a great resource to help you think out, plan, and learn as you go and grow.


Nevada 501c3 nonprofit

PO Box 20152

Sun Valley, NV 89433-0152


Gogreenlocally org. is a Nevada 501c3 nonprofit formed by a few green community members

who wanted to do something to help the environment and communities across the US to share action to

champion sustainability and care for our

people and planet.

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